Multiple series
To display chart legend, set withLegend
prop. When one of the items in the legend
is hovered, the corresponding data series is highlighted in the chart.
Legend position
You can pass props down to recharts Legend
component with legendProps
prop. For example, setting legendProps={{ verticalAlign: 'bottom', height: 50 }}
will render the legend at the bottom of the chart and set its height to 50px.
X and Y axis props
Use xAxisProps
and yAxisProps
to pass props down to recharts XAxis
and YAxis components. For example, these props
can be used to change orientation of axis:
Value formatter
To format values in the tooltip and axis ticks, use valueFormat
prop. It accepts
a function that takes number value as an argument and returns formatted value or an
object with x
and y
keys to format x and y values separately:
Point labels
Set pointLabels
prop to x
or y
to display labels on data points for the
corresponding axis:
Grid and text colors
Use --chart-grid-color
and --chart-text-color
to change colors of
grid lines and text within the chart. With CSS modules, you can change colors
depending on color scheme:
If your application has only one color scheme, you can use gridColor
and textColor
props instead of CSS variables:
Stroke dash array
Set strokeDasharray
prop to control the stroke dash array of the grid and cursor
lines. The value represent the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps. For example,
strokeDasharray="10 5"
will render a dashed line with 10px dashes and 5px gaps.
Set unit
prop to render a unit label next to the axis ticks and tooltip values:
Tooltip labels
To customize labels displayed in the tooltip, use labels
Custom tooltip
Use tooltipProps.content
to pass custom tooltip renderer to recharts Tooltip
Remove tooltip
To remove tooltip, set withTooltip={false}
. It also removes the cursor line
and disables interactions with the chart.
Tooltip animation
By default, tooltip animation is disabled. To enable it, set tooltipAnimationDuration
prop to a number of milliseconds to animate the tooltip position change.
Customize dots
You can use any shape as a dot by passing props to recharts Scatter component:
Reference lines
Use referenceLines
prop to render reference lines. Reference lines are always
rendered behind the chart.