Getting started

Get started with a template

The easiest way to get started is to use one of the templates. All templates include required dependencies and pre-configured settings. Some templates also include additional features like Jest, Storybook, ESLint, etc.

Templates include only @mantine/core and @mantine/hooks packages, if you need additional @mantine/* packages, follow installation instructions of the package you want to use.

To get started with a template, open it on GitHub and click "Use this template" button. In order to use this feature you need to be logged in to your GitHub account. If you are not familiar with GitHub, you can find a detailed instruction on how to bootstrap a project from a template in this article.

Templates list:


Next.js template with app router and full setup: Jest, Storybook, ESLint

Use template


Next.js template with pages router and full setup: Jest, Storybook, ESLint

Use template


Next.js template with app router and minimal setup – no additional tools included, only default Next.js configuration

Use template


Next.js template with pages router and minimal setup – no additional tools included, only default Next.js configuration

Use template


Next.js template with Vanilla extract example

Use template


Vite template with full setup: Vitest, Prettier, Storybook, ESLint

Use template


Vite template with minimal setup – no additional tools included, only default Vite configuration

Use template


Vite template with Vanilla extract example

Use template


Gatsby template with basic setup

Use template


RedwoodJS template with basic setup

Use template

Community templates

Community templates are created and maintained by the community members. These templates include additional features and third-party integrations. You are welcome to share your template with the community by following this guide.

Your template here

Create a template with your stack and share it with the community

Submit template


Next.js app router T3 stack template

Use template


Next.js app router + Mantine + Tailwind template

Use template


Next.js app router + Mantine + Bun template

Use template


Fullstack boilerplate with Next.js, auth, MongoDB, Turborepo

Use template


NX monorepo template with: Vite, GraphQL / Apollo, Typescript, Storybook / CSS Modules

Use template


Vite + Redux + i18next + auth + Mantine dashboard template

Use template


Vite + Supabase + Mantine template

Use template


Vite + Waku + Mantine template

Use template

Framework guide

If you want to add Mantine to an existing project or prefer to set up everything manually, follow one of the guides below to get started with Mantine and your preferred framework.

Can I use Mantine with create-react-app?

Create React App was deprecated in early 2023 (comment from maintainers). It is not recommended to use it for new projects. It is recommended to use Vite or Next.js instead. Starting from version 7.0, certain Mantine styling features are no longer officially supported in Create React App. If you still prefer to use Create React App, follow this guide.

Get started without framework

Choose packages that you will use in your application:


Hooks for state and UI management


Core components library: inputs, buttons, overlays, etc.


Form management library


Date inputs, calendars


Recharts based charts library


Notifications system


Code highlight with your theme colors and styles


Rich text editor based on Tiptap


Capture files with drag and drop


Embla based carousel component


Overlay command center


Centralized modals manager


Navigation progress

Install dependencies:

yarn add @mantine/core @mantine/hooks

Install PostCSS plugins and postcss-preset-mantine:

yarn add --dev postcss postcss-preset-mantine postcss-simple-vars

PostCSS without framework

If you are using a framework that is not officially supported, you may need to configure PostCSS manually. Please refer to the framework's documentation for specific instructions. For instance, if you are using Webpack, it will be necessary to install and set up postcss-loader.

Create postcss.config.cjs file at the root of your application with the following content:

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    'postcss-preset-mantine': {},
    'postcss-simple-vars': {
      variables: {
        'mantine-breakpoint-xs': '36em',
        'mantine-breakpoint-sm': '48em',
        'mantine-breakpoint-md': '62em',
        'mantine-breakpoint-lg': '75em',
        'mantine-breakpoint-xl': '88em',

Add styles imports to the root of your application. Usually styles are imported once in the root file. For example, if you are using Next.js with pages router, you can import styles in _app.tsx file:

// core styles are required for all packages
import '@mantine/core/styles.css';

// other css files are required only if
// you are using components from the corresponding package
// import '@mantine/dates/styles.css';
// import '@mantine/dropzone/styles.css';
// import '@mantine/code-highlight/styles.css';
// ...

Wrap your application with MantineProvider:

import { createTheme, MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

const theme = createTheme({
  /** Put your mantine theme override here */

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={theme}>
      {/* Your app here */}

If your application has server side rendering, add ColorSchemeScript to the <head /> of your application:

import { ColorSchemeScript } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charSet="UTF-8" />
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
        <title>My awesome app</title>

        <ColorSchemeScript />
      <body>{/* Your app here */}</body>

All set! You can now use Mantine components in your application.

Set up VS Code

By default, VS Code does not recognize postcss syntax, you need to install PostCSS Intellisense and Highlighting to enable syntax highlighting and suppress variables ($variable) errors.

To get CSS variables autocomplete, install CSS Variable Autocomplete extension. Then create .vscode/settings.json file in the root folder of your project with the following content:

  "cssVariables.lookupFiles": [


Before you jump into the code, it is recommended to learn more about Mantine theming and styling options. The most important documentation pages are:

Support Mantine

All contributions to the projects are welcome and appreciated. Contribute financially by sponsoring the project on OpenCollective. Your sponsorship will help us to maintain the project and develop new features.

Sponsor Mantine

Other ways to support the project:

  • Share your feedback in GitHub Discussions – we are always happy to hear your thoughts on how to improve Mantine. Most of the new features and components are based on the feedback received from the community.
  • Help others on Discord and/or GitHub Discussions. There are usually 10-20 new questions every day, you can help people with their issues and questions. While helping others, you will learn yourself and become more proficient with React and Mantine.
  • Give us a code review. You are welcome to explore the source code of @mantine/* packages and provide your feedback on how it can be improved. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions.
  • Send us some kind words. We usually receive only bug reports and feature requests, it is always nice to hear that people enjoy working with Mantine.
  • Star the project on GitHub. It is a small thing that helps us grow and get more people interested in the project.
  • Contribute to the Mantine codebase. We welcome all kinds of contributions: if you do not have much experience with React/TypeScript, you can help us improve the documentation to make it more clear and understandable for new developers. If you are an experienced React developer, you can help us with open issues.
  • If you are using Mantine at work and your company wants to support the project, you can allocate some time of your engineers to contribute to Mantine.

Mantine for Figma

Design is not a part of the development process – there are no official Figma or Sketch design files. However, there are community-driven projects that provide Figma components based on Mantine. Note that these projects are not maintained by Mantine team, and it is not guaranteed that they are up-to-date with the latest Mantine version.


All @mantine/* packages are distributed under MIT license. You can use them in any project, commercial or not, with or without attribution. All @mantine/* packages dependencies are also distributed under MIT license.