7.x → 8.x migration guide

Global styles imports

If you used separate styles imports from @mantine/core/styles/global.css , you need to update imports to use new files. Note that if you previously imported @mantine/core/styles.css, no changes are required – all new files are already included in styles.css.

7.x version import:

// ❌ No longer includes all global styles
import '@mantine/core/styles/global.css';

8.x version import:

// ✅ Import all global styles separately
import '@mantine/core/styles/baseline.css';
import '@mantine/core/styles/default-css-variables.css';
import '@mantine/core/styles/global.css';

If you used @mantine/core/styles.css, no changes are required, the import works the same in 7.x and 8.x versions:

// 👍 No changes needed if you used styles.css
import '@mantine/core/styles.css';

Portal reuseTargetNode

reuseTargetNode prop of Portal component is now enabled by default. This option improves performance by reusing the target node between portal renders, but in some edge cases, it might cause issues with z-index stacking context.

If you experience issues with z-index, change reuseTargetNode prop to false in theme:

import { createTheme, Portal } from '@mantine/core';

export const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    Portal: Portal.extends({
      defaultProps: {
        // ✅ Disable reuseTargetNode by default if your application has z-index issues
        reuseTargetNode: false,

Switch withThumbIndicator

Switch component default styles were updated, it now includes checked state indicator inside the thumb. If you want to use old styles without indicator, set withThumbIndicator prop to false in theme:

import { createTheme, Switch } from '@mantine/core';

export const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    Switch: Switch.extends({
      defaultProps: {
        // ✅ Disable withThumbIndicator if you want to use old styles
        withThumbIndicator: false,

Date string values

@mantine/dates components now use date string values in onChange and other callbacks. If you want to continue using @mantine/dates components the same way as in 7.x, you need to convert callback values to Date objects:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { DatePicker } from '@mantine/dates';

export function Demo7x() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<Date | null>(null);
  // ⛔ 7.x – onChange is called with Date object
  return <DatePicker value={value} onChange={setValue} />

export function Demo8x() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<Date | null>(null);
  // ✅ 8.x – onChange is called with string date value (for example '1994-08-21')
  // You can either
  // 1. Convert it to Date object to preserve old behavior
  // 2. Update your code to use date string values instead
  return <DatePicker value={value} onChange={val => setValue(new Date(val))} />

DatesProvider timezone

DatesProvider component no longer supports timezone option:

import { DatesProvider } from '@mantine/dates';

function Demo7x() {
  // ❌ timezone option is no longer supported
  return (
    <DatesProvider settings={{ timezone: 'UTC', consistentWeeks: true }}>

function Demo8x() {
  // ✅ Remove timezone option
  return (
    <DatesProvider settings={{ consistentWeeks: true }}>

If you need to handle timezones in your application, you can use a dedicated dates library (dayjs, luxon, date-fns) to update timezone values. Example of using Mantine components with dayjs:

import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import { DatePicker } from '@mantine/dates';

function Demo() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<string | null>('2022-08-21');

  // Mantine components use strings as values, you can pass these
  // strings to a dates library of your choice to assign timezone
  const dateWithTimeZone = dayjs(value).tz("America/Toronto").toDate();

  return <DatePicker value={value} onChange={setValue} />;

DateTimePicker timeInputProps

DateTimePicker component no longer accepts timeInputProps prop, as the underlying TimeInput component was replaced with TimePicker. To pass props down to TimePicker component, use timePickerProps prop instead.

7.x version:

import { DateTimePicker } from '@mantine/dates';
import { IconClock } from '@tabler/icons-react';

function Demo() {
  return (
      // ❌ timeInputProps is no longer available
        leftSection: <IconClock size={16} stroke={1.5} />,

8.x version:

import { DateTimePicker } from '@mantine/dates';

function Demo() {
  return (
      // ✅ Use timePickerProps instead of timeInputProps
        leftSection: <IconClock size={16} stroke={1.5} />,
        minutesStep: 5,
        withDropdown: true,

CodeHighlight usage

@mantine/code-highlight package no longer depends on highlight.js. You can follow the updated documentation to set up syntax highlighting with shiki.

If you want to continue using highlight.js, in your application, install highlight.js package:

yarn add highlight.js

Then wrap your app with CodeHighlightAdapterProvider and provide createHighlightJsAdapter as adapter prop:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';
import { CodeHighlightAdapterProvider, createHighlightJsAdapter } from '@mantine/code-highlight';
import hljs from 'highlight.js/lib/core';
import tsLang from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/typescript';

hljs.registerLanguage('typescript', tsLang);

const highlightJsAdapter = createHighlightJsAdapter(hljs);

function App() {
  return (
      <CodeHighlightAdapterProvider adapter={highlightJsAdapter}>
        {/* Your app here */}

Then you need to add styles of one of the highlight.js themes to your application. You can do that by importing css file from highlight.js package or adding it via CDN link to the head of your application:


After that, you can use CodeHighlight component in your application the same way you did in 7.x version.

Menu data-hovered attribute

Menu.Item no longer uses data-hovered attribute to indicate hovered state. If you used data-hovered in your styles, you need to change it :hover and :focus selectors instead:

// ❌ 7.x – styles with `data-hovered`,
// no longer works in 8.x
.item {
  &[data-hovered] {
    background-color: red;

// ✅ 8.x – use styles with `:hover` and `:focus`
.item {
  &:focus {
    background-color: red;

Popover hideDetached

Popover now supports hideDetached prop to automatically close popover when target element is removed from the DOM:

import { Box, Button, Group, Popover } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      bd="1px solid var(--mantine-color-dimmed)"
      style={{ overflow: 'auto' }}
      <Box w={1000} h={400}>
          <Popover width="target" position="bottom" opened>
              <Button>Toggle popover</Button>
            <Popover.Dropdown>This popover dropdown is hidden when detached</Popover.Dropdown>

          <Popover width="target" position="bottom" opened hideDetached={false}>
              <Button>Toggle popover</Button>
            <Popover.Dropdown>This popover dropdown is visible when detached</Popover.Dropdown>

By default, hideDetached is enabled – the behavior has changed from 7.x version. If you prefer to keep the old behavior, you can disable hideDetached for all components:

import { createTheme, Popover } from '@mantine/core';

export const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    Popover: Popover.extends({
      defaultProps: {
        // ✅ Disable hideDetached by default
        // if you want to keep the old behavior
        hideDetached: false,

Carousel changes

Starting from 8.x version, @mantine/carousel package requires embla-carousel and embla-carousel-react packages with version 8.x.

You need to update embla dependencies:

yarn add embla-carousel@^8.5.2 embla-carousel-react@^8.5.2

Update embla props that were previously passed to Carousel component to emblaOptions. Full list of props:

  • loop
  • align
  • slidesToScroll
  • dragFree
  • inViewThreshold
  • skipSnaps
  • containScroll
  • speed and draggable props were removed – they are no longer supported by embla
import { Carousel } from '@mantine/carousel';

// ❌ 7.x – embla options passed as props,
// no longer works in 8.x
function Demo7x() {
  return <Carousel loop dragFree align="start" />

// ✅ 8.x – use emblaOptions to pass options to embla
function Demo8x() {
  return <Carousel emblaOptions={{ loop: true, dragFree: true, align: 'start' }} />

useAnimationOffsetEffect hook was removed, it is no longer required, you need to remove it from your code:

// ❌ 7.x – useAnimationOffsetEffect is no longer available in 8.x
import { Carousel, Embla, useAnimationOffsetEffect } from '@mantine/carousel';

function Demo7x() {
  const [embla, setEmbla] = useState<Embla | null>(null);
  useAnimationOffsetEffect(embla, TRANSITION_DURATION);
  return <Carousel getEmblaApi={setEmbla} />;

// ✅ 8.x – remove useAnimationOffsetEffect entirely, it is not required
import { Carousel } from '@mantine/carousel';

function Demo8x() {
  return <Carousel />;

Embla type is no longer exported from @mantine/carousel package, you need to change this import to reference embla-carousel package instead:

// ❌ 7.x – Embla type is no longer available in 8.x
import { Carousel, Embla } from '@mantine/carousel';

function Demo7x() {
  const [embla, setEmbla] = useState<Embla | null>(null);
  return <Carousel getEmblaApi={setEmbla} />;

// ✅ 8.x – replace Embla type import
import { Carousel } from '@mantine/carousel';
import { EmblaCarouselType } from 'embla-carousel';

function Demo8x() {
  const [embla, setEmbla] = useState<EmblaCarouselType | null>(null);
  return <Carousel getEmblaApi={setEmbla} />;