
Changes favicon


use-favicon appends <link /> element to head component with given favicon in useLayoutEffect. The hook is not called during server side rendering.

Call hook with a favicon URL (supported formats: .ico, .png, .svg and .gif) that should be set as favicon. The hook is triggered every time the URL changes and the value is not an empty string (trailing whitespace is trimmed) or null.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { useFavicon } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [favicon, setFavicon] = useState('');
  const setMantineFavicon = () => setFavicon('');
  const setMantineUIFavicon = () => setFavicon('');


  return (
    <Group justify="center">
      <Button onClick={setMantineFavicon}>Mantine favicon</Button>
      <Button onClick={setMantineUIFavicon}>Mantine UI favicon</Button>


function useFavicon(url: string): void;