
Capture one or more files from the user


use-file-dialog allows capturing one or more files from the user without file input element:

import { Button, Group, List } from '@mantine/core';
import { useFileDialog } from '@mantine/hooks';

function Demo() {
  const fileDialog = useFileDialog();

  const pickedFiles = Array.from(fileDialog.files || []).map((file) => (
    <List.Item key={}>{}</List.Item>

  return (
        <Button onClick={}>Pick files</Button>
        {pickedFiles.length > 0 && (
          <Button variant="default" onClick={fileDialog.reset}>
      {pickedFiles.length > 0 && <List mt="lg">{pickedFiles}</List>}

Hook options

interface UseFileDialogOptions {
  /** Determines whether multiple files are allowed, `true` by default */
  multiple?: boolean;

  /** `accept` attribute of the file input, '*' by default */
  accept?: string;

  /** `capture` attribute of the file input */
  capture?: string;

  /** Determines whether the user can pick a directory instead of file, `false` by default */
  directory?: boolean;

  /** Determines whether the file input state should be reset when the file dialog is opened, `false` by default */
  resetOnOpen?: boolean;

  /** Initial selected files */
  initialFiles?: FileList | File[];

  /** Called when files are selected */
  onChange?: (files: FileList | null) => void;

  /** Called when file dialog is canceled */
  onCancel?: () => void;


function useFileDialog(input?: UseFileDialogOptions): {
    files: FileList | null;
    open: () => void;
    reset: () => void;