
Manages pagination state


use-pagination is a state management hook for Pagination component, it manages pagination with controlled and uncontrolled state:

import { usePagination } from '@mantine/hooks';

const pagination = usePagination({ total: 10, initialPage: 1 });

pagination.range; // -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'dots', 10];

pagination.range; // -> [1, 'dots', 4, 5, 6, 'dots', 10];;
pagination.range; // -> [1, 'dots', 5, 6, 7, 'dots', 10];

pagination.range; // -> [1, 'dots', 4, 5, 6, 'dots', 10];

pagination.range; // -> [1, 'dots', 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

pagination.range; // -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'dots', 10];


The hook supports controlled mode, provide page and onChange props to manage state from outside:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { usePagination } from '@mantine/hooks';

const [page, onChange] = useState(1);
const pagination = usePagination({ total: 10, page, onChange });

// Will call onChange with 5
pagination.range; // -> [1, 'dots', 4, 5, 6, 'dots', 10];

// ... All other examples work the same


Control number of active item siblings with siblings:

import { usePagination } from '@mantine/hooks';

const pagination = usePagination({ total: 20, siblings: 3 });

1 sibling (default)

2 siblings

3 siblings

import { Text, Pagination } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Text mb="xs">1 sibling (default)</Text>
      <Pagination total={20} siblings={1} defaultValue={10} />

      <Text mb="xs" mt="xl">2 siblings</Text>
      <Pagination total={20} siblings={2} defaultValue={10} />

      <Text mb="xs" mt="xl">3 siblings</Text>
      <Pagination total={20} siblings={3} defaultValue={10} />


Control number of items on each boundary with boundaries:

import { usePagination } from '@mantine/hooks';

const pagination = usePagination({ total: 20, boundaries: 3 });

1 boundary (default)

2 boundaries

3 boundaries

import { Text, Pagination } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Text mb="xs">1 boundary (default)</Text>
      <Pagination total={20} boundaries={1} defaultValue={10} />

      <Text mt="xl" mb="xs">2 boundaries</Text>
      <Pagination total={20} boundaries={2} defaultValue={10} />

      <Text mt="xl" mb="xs">3 boundaries</Text>
      <Pagination total={20} boundaries={3} defaultValue={10} />


interface PaginationParams {
  /** Page selected on initial render, defaults to 1 */
  initialPage?: number;

  /** Controlled active page number */
  page?: number;

  /** Total amount of pages */
  total: number;

  /** Siblings amount on left/right side of selected page, defaults to 1 */
  siblings?: number;

  /** Amount of elements visible on left/right edges, defaults to 1  */
  boundaries?: number;

  /** Callback fired after change of each page */
  onChange?: (page: number) => void;

function usePagination(settings: PaginationParams): {
  range: (number | 'dots')[];
  active: number;
  setPage: (pageNumber: number) => void;
  next: () => void;
  previous: () => void;
  first: () => void;
  last: () => void;