Mantine extensions
Extensions are packages that provide additional functionality like
new components, hooks, or other features. They are built on top of
and @mantine/core
Official extensions
Official extensions are built by the maintainers of Mantine, these extensions have @mantine/
in their package names, for example @mantine/dates
or @mantine/carousel
Official extensions list:
- @mantine/dates – date and time pickers, calendars, other date-related components
- @mantine/charts – charts and data visualization components based on recharts
- @mantine/notifications – notifications system
- @mantine/code-highlight – code highlight component used on Mantine websites
- @mantine/spotlight – control center (
Ctrl + K
search bar), can be used for search - @mantine/carousel – carousel component based on embla-carousel
- @mantine/dropzone – captures files with drag and drop, based on react-dropzone
- @mantine/modals – modals manager
- @mantine/tiptap – rich text editor based on tiptap
- @mantine/nprogress – navigation progress component
Community extensions
Community extensions are built by the community, they are maintained by the community members and are updated independently from the core Mantine packages and extensions.
Community extensions list:
- BlockNote – block-based rich text editor
- ContextMenu – context menu component
- DataTable – data table component without dependencies
- MantineReactTable – data table component based on TanStack table package
- SplitPane – resizable split pane component
- Flip – flip animation component
- Marquee – marquee component
- Onboarding – onboarding / tour component
Create your own extension
You are welcome to create your own extension and share it with the community in the list above. To submit a new extension to be featured on this page:
- Create and publish extension on npm. You can choose any name for your package, for example
. - If you are not sure how to get started with extension development, use extension template, it provides full development environment with tests, documentation, and examples.
- Submit a pull request to the main Mantine repository with a link to your extension and a short description to be featured on this page.