
Compose elements and components in a horizontal flex container


Group is a horizontal flex container. If you need a vertical flex container, use Stack component instead. If you need to have full control over flex container properties, use Flex component.

import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Button variant="default">First</Button>
      <Button variant="default">Second</Button>
      <Button variant="default">Third</Button>


preventGrowOverflow prop allows you to control how Group children should behave when there is not enough space to fit them all on one line. By default, children are not allowed to take more space than (1 / children.length) * 100% of parent width (preventGrowOverflow is set to true). To change this behavior, set preventGrowOverflow to false and children will be allowed to grow and take as much space as they need.

preventGrowOverflow: true – each child width is always limited to 33% of parent width (since there are 3 children)

preventGrowOverflow: false – children will grow based on their content, they can take more than 33% of parent width

import { Group, Button, Box, Text } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Box style={{ overflow: 'hidden' }}>
      <Box maw={500} p="md" mx="auto" bg="var(--mantine-color-blue-light)">
        <Text size="sm" mb={5}>
          preventGrowOverflow: true – each child width is always limited to 33% of parent width
          (since there are 3 children)

        <Group grow wrap="nowrap">
          <Button variant="default">First button</Button>
          <Button variant="default">Second button with large content</Button>
          <Button variant="default">Third button</Button>

        <Text size="sm" mb={5} mt="md">
          preventGrowOverflow: false – children will grow based on their content, they can take more
          than 33% of parent width

        <Group grow preventGrowOverflow={false} wrap="nowrap">
          <Button variant="default">First button</Button>
          <Button variant="default">Second button with large content</Button>
          <Button variant="default">Third button</Button>

Group children

!important Group works correctly only with React elements. Strings, numbers, fragments may have incorrect styles if grow prop is set:

// Invalid Group usage, do not do this
import { Group } from '@mantine/core';

function InvalidDemo() {
  return (
    <Group grow>
      First string
        <div>element inside fragment</div>
        <div>another inside fragment</div>

Browser support

Group uses flexbox gap to add spacing between children. In older browsers, Group children may not have spacing. You can install PostCSS flex-gap-polyfill to add support for older browsers.