
An overlay with centered loader


LoadingOverlay renders an overlay with a loader over the parent element with relative position. It is usually used to indicate loading state of forms. Note that elements under overlay are still focusable with keyboard, remember to add additional logic to handle this case.

LoadingOverlay rendering is controlled by visible prop:

import { useDisclosure } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { LoadingOverlay, Button, Group, Box } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [visible, { toggle }] = useDisclosure(false);

  // Note that position: relative is required
  return (
      <Box pos="relative">
        <LoadingOverlay visible={visible} zIndex={1000} overlayProps={{ radius: "sm", blur: 2 }} />
        {/* ...other content */}

      <Group justify="center">
        <Button onClick={toggle}>Toggle overlay</Button>

Loader props

You can pass props down to the Loader component with loaderProps:

import { useDisclosure } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { LoadingOverlay, Button, Group, Box } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [visible, { toggle }] = useDisclosure(true);

  // Note that position: relative is required
  return (
      <Box pos="relative">
          overlayProps={{ radius: 'sm', blur: 2 }}
          loaderProps={{ color: 'pink', type: 'bars' }}
        {/* ...other content */}

      <Group justify="center">
        <Button onClick={toggle}>Toggle overlay</Button>

Custom inline loaders

To replace default loader with any custom content, set loaderProps={{ children: <div>Your content</div> }}. You can put any React node inside loaderProps.children:

import { useDisclosure } from '@mantine/hooks';
import { LoadingOverlay, Button, Group, Box } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [visible, { toggle }] = useDisclosure(false);

  return (
      <Box pos="relative">
        <LoadingOverlay visible={visible} loaderProps={{ children: 'Loading...' }} />
        {/* ...other content */}

      <Group justify="center">
        <Button onClick={toggle}>Toggle overlay</Button>