
Format number with thousands/decimal separators and suffix/prefix


Use NumberFormatter to format numbers. It supports the same formatting related props as NumberInput component.

$ 1,000,000
import { NumberFormatter } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return <NumberFormatter prefix="$ " value={1000000} thousandSeparator />;

Prefix and suffix

Set prefix and suffix props to add given string to the start or end of the value:

With prefix: $ 100
With suffix: 100 RUB
import { NumberFormatter } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        With prefix: <NumberFormatter prefix="$ " value={100} />
        With suffix: <NumberFormatter value={100} suffix=" RUB" />

Thousands separator

Set thousandSeparator prop to separate thousands with a character. You can control grouping logic with thousandsGroupStyle, it accepts: thousand, lakh, wan, none values.

With default separator: 1,000,000
With custom separator: 1.000.000
import { NumberFormatter } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        With default separator: <NumberFormatter thousandSeparator value={1000000} />
        With custom separator:{' '}
        <NumberFormatter thousandSeparator="." decimalSeparator="," value={1000000} />

Decimal scale

decimalScale prop controls the number of allowed decimal places:

import { NumberFormatter } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return <NumberFormatter value={5 / 3} decimalScale={2} />;