Mantine Core components


@mantine/core package provides essential components: buttons, inputs, modals, typography and many others. @mantine/core package is used internally in most of other @mantine/* packages – it is required to be installed in your project to use Mantine components.


yarn add @mantine/hooks @mantine/core


Follow the getting started guide to learn how to complete Mantine setup in your project. Example of using Stepper component:

Step 2 content: Verify email
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Stepper, Button, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [active, setActive] = useState(1);
  const nextStep = () => setActive((current) => (current < 3 ? current + 1 : current));
  const prevStep = () => setActive((current) => (current > 0 ? current - 1 : current));

  return (
      <Stepper active={active} onStepClick={setActive}>
        <Stepper.Step label="First step" description="Create an account">
          Step 1 content: Create an account
        <Stepper.Step label="Second step" description="Verify email">
          Step 2 content: Verify email
        <Stepper.Step label="Final step" description="Get full access">
          Step 3 content: Get full access
          Completed, click back button to get to previous step

      <Group justify="center" mt="xl">
        <Button variant="default" onClick={prevStep}>Back</Button>
        <Button onClick={nextStep}>Next step</Button>
