
Wrapper for input type radio


Label position
import { Radio } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="I cannot be unchecked"


import { useState } from 'react';
import { Radio } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);
  return (
      onChange={(event) => setChecked(event.currentTarget.checked)}


import { Radio, Stack } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Radio checked={false} onChange={() => {}} label="Default radio" />
      <Radio checked onChange={() => {}} label="Checked radio" />
      <Radio checked variant="outline" onChange={() => {}} label="Outline checked radio" />
      <Radio disabled label="Disabled radio" />
      <Radio disabled checked onChange={() => {}} label="Disabled checked radio" />

Change icon

import { Radio, CheckIcon } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <Radio icon={CheckIcon} label="Custom check icon" name="check" value="check" defaultChecked />

Change icon color

import { Radio } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Custom icon color"

Disabled state

import { Radio, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Radio checked disabled label="React" value="react" />
      <Radio disabled label="Angular" value="nu" />
      <Radio disabled label="Svelte" value="sv" />

Pointer cursor

By default, radio input and label have cursor: default (same as native input[type="radio"]). To change cursor to pointer, set cursorType on theme:

import { createTheme, MantineProvider, Radio } from '@mantine/core';

const theme = createTheme({
  cursorType: 'pointer',

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={theme}>
      <Radio label="Pointer cursor" />

Radio with tooltip

You can change target element to which tooltip is attached with refProp:

  • If refProp is not set, the tooltip is attached to the checkbox input
  • If refProp="rootRef" is set, the tooltip is attached to the root element (contains label, input and other elements)
import { Tooltip, Radio } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Tooltip label="Radio with tooltip">
        <Radio label="Tooltip on radio only" />

      <Tooltip label="Radio with tooltip" refProp="rootRef">
        <Radio label="Tooltip the entire element" mt="md" />

Add props to the root element

All props passed to the component are forwarded to the input element. If you need to add props to the root element, use wrapperProps. In the following example:

  • data-testid="wrapper" is added to the root element
  • data-testid="input" is added to the input element
import { Radio } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return <Radio wrapperProps={{ 'data-testid': 'wrapper' }} data-testid="input" />;

Radio.Group component

Select your favorite framework/library

This is anonymous

import { Radio, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      label="Select your favorite framework/library"
      description="This is anonymous"
      <Group mt="xs">
        <Radio value="react" label="React" />
        <Radio value="svelte" label="Svelte" />
        <Radio value="ng" label="Angular" />
        <Radio value="vue" label="Vue" />

Controlled Radio.Group

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Radio } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState('react');

  return (
      label="Select your favorite framework/library"
      description="This is anonymous"
      <Radio value="react" label="React" />
      <Radio value="svelte" label="Svelte" />
      <Radio value="ng" label="Angular" />
      <Radio value="vue" label="Vue" />


Radio.Indicator looks exactly the same as Radio component, but it does not have any semantic meaning, it's just a visual representation of radio state. You can use it in any place where you need to display radio state without any interaction related to the indicator. For example, it is useful in cards based on buttons, trees, etc.

Note that Radio.Indicator cannot be focused or selected with keyboard. It is not accessible and should not be used as a replacement for Radio component.

import { Radio, Group } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      <Radio.Indicator />
      <Radio.Indicator checked />
      <Radio.Indicator disabled />
      <Radio.Indicator disabled checked />

Radio.Card component

Radio.Card component can be used as a replacement for Radio to build custom cards/buttons/other things that work as radios. The root element of the component has role="radio" attribute, it is accessible by default and supports the same keyboard interactions as input[type="radio"].

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Radio, Group, Text } from '@mantine/core';
import classes from './Demo.module.css';

function Demo() {
  const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);

  return (
      onClick={() => setChecked((c) => !c)}
      <Group wrap="nowrap" align="flex-start">
        <Radio.Indicator />
          <Text className={classes.label}>@mantine/core</Text>
          <Text className={classes.description}>
            Core components library: inputs, buttons, overlays, etc.

You can use Radio.Card with Radio.Group the same way as Radio component:

Pick one package to install

Choose a package that you will need in your application


import { useState } from 'react';
import { Radio, Group, Stack, Text } from '@mantine/core';
import classes from './Demo.module.css';

const data = [
    name: '@mantine/core',
    description: 'Core components library: inputs, buttons, overlays, etc.',
  { name: '@mantine/hooks', description: 'Collection of reusable hooks for React applications.' },
  { name: '@mantine/notifications', description: 'Notifications system' },

function Demo() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<string | null>(null);

  const cards = => (
    <Radio.Card className={classes.root} radius="md" value={} key={}>
      <Group wrap="nowrap" align="flex-start">
        <Radio.Indicator />
          <Text className={classes.label}>{}</Text>
          <Text className={classes.description}>{item.description}</Text>

  return (
        label="Pick one package to install"
        description="Choose a package that you will need in your application"
        <Stack pt="md" gap="xs">

      <Text fz="xs" mt="md">
        CurrentValue: {value || '–'}

Get element ref

import { useRef } from 'react';
import { Radio } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const ref = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
  return <Radio ref={ref} />;

Styles API

Radio supports Styles API, you can add styles to any inner element of the component withclassNames prop. Follow Styles API documentation to learn more.

Radio description

Radio error

Component Styles API

Hover over selectors to highlight corresponding elements

 * Hover over selectors to apply outline styles


Set aria-label or label prop to make the radio accessible:

import { Radio } from '@mantine/core';

// Not ok, input is not labeled
function Bad() {
  return <Radio />;

// Ok, input is labelled by aria-label
function GoodAriaLabel() {
  return <Radio aria-label="My radio" />;

// Ok, input is labelled by label element
function GoodLabel() {
  return <Radio label="My radio" />;