
Responsive grid in which each item takes equal amount of space


SimpleGrid is a responsive grid system with equal-width columns. It uses CSS grid layout. If you need to set different widths for columns, use Grid component instead.






Vertical spacing
import { SimpleGrid } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <SimpleGrid cols={3}>

spacing and verticalSpacing props

spacing prop is used both for horizontal and vertical spacing if verticalSpacing is not set:

import { SimpleGrid } from '@mantine/core';

// `spacing` is used for both horizontal and vertical spacing
const Spacing = () => <SimpleGrid spacing="xl" />;

// `spacing` is used for horizontal spacing, `verticalSpacing` for vertical
const VerticalSpacing = () => (
  <SimpleGrid spacing="xl" verticalSpacing="lg" />

Responsive props

cols, spacing and verticalSpacing props support object notation for responsive values, it works the same way as style props: the object may have base, xs, sm, md, lg and xl key, and values from those keys will be applied according to current viewport width.

In the following example, cols={{ base: 1, sm: 2, lg: 5 }} means:

  • 1 column if viewport width is less than sm breakpoint
  • 2 columns if viewport width is between sm and lg breakpoints
  • 5 columns if viewport width is greater than lg breakpoint

Same logic applies to spacing and verticalSpacing props.






import { SimpleGrid } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
      cols={{ base: 1, sm: 2, lg: 5 }}
      spacing={{ base: 10, sm: 'xl' }}
      verticalSpacing={{ base: 'md', sm: 'xl' }}

Container queries

To use container queries instead of media queries, set type="container". With container queries, grid columns and spacing will be adjusted based on the container width, not the viewport width.

Note that, when using container queries, cols, spacing and verticalSpacing props cannot reference theme.breakpoints values in keys. It is required to use exact px or em values.

To see how the grid changes, resize the root element of the demo with the resize handle located at the bottom right corner of the demo:






import { SimpleGrid } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    // Wrapper div is added for demonstration purposes only,
    // it is not required in real projects
    <div style={{ resize: 'horizontal', overflow: 'hidden', maxWidth: '100%' }}>
        cols={{ base: 1, '300px': 2, '500px': 5 }}
        spacing={{ base: 10, '300px': 'xl' }}

Browser support

SimpleGrid uses CSS Grid Layout, it is supported in all modern browsers. If you need to support older browsers, use Grid (flexbox based) component instead.

When type="container" is set, SimpleGrid uses container queries. Since February 2023, container queries are supported in all modern browsers. If you need to support older browsers, do not use container queries option.