
Indicate content loading state


Use Skeleton to create a placeholder for loading content. Skeleton support the following props:

  • height – height – any valid CSS value
  • width – width - any valid CSS value
  • radius – key of theme.radius or any valid CSS value to set border-radius
  • circle – if true width, height and border-radius will equal to value specified in height prop
  • animate – true by default, controls animation
import { Skeleton } from '@mantine/core';

  function Demo() {
    return (
        <Skeleton height={50} circle mb="xl" />
        <Skeleton height={8} radius="xl" />
        <Skeleton height={8} mt={6} radius="xl" />
        <Skeleton height={8} mt={6} width="70%" radius="xl" />

With content

If you want to indicate the loading state of content that is already on page, wrap it with Skeleton and control loading overlay visibility with visible prop:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi dolor nihil amet tempore magnam optio, numquam nostrum inventore tempora assumenda saepe, aut repellat. Temporibus aspernatur aperiam magnam debitis facere odio?

Laborum fuga quam voluptas aut pariatur delectus repudiandae commodi tempora debitis dolores vero cumque magni cum, deserunt, ad tempore consectetur libero molestias similique nemo eum! Dolore maxime voluptate inventore atque.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Skeleton, Button } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);

  return (
      <Skeleton visible={loading}>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
        {/* other content */}

      <Button onClick={() => setLoading((l) => !l)}>
        Toggle Skeleton